I.Pre-boarding Nucleic Acid Test
All China-bound travelers will need to take nucleic acid test for COVID-19 within 48 hours before boarding, and can only travel to China when your test result is negative or after it turns from positive to negative. Please always bring the proof of your negative COVID-19 test result with you for inspection.
ll.Health Declaration to China Customs
You are required to declare your negative test result to China Customs by filling the Health Declaration Form on the WeChat miniprogram of China Customs (scan the QR code below), or at https://htdecl.chinaport.gov.cn, or via the China Customs APP.
Ill.Boarding Check
At boarding time, airlines will check if you have a negative result within 48 hours, and those who fail to present such a proof will not be allowed to board the plane.
IV. Self-protection on the Aircraft
You are suggested to wear a mask throughout the flight and take good personal protection to reduce the risk of infection
V. Inspection upon Entry
You can go through customs with your health declaration result, and China Customs may check your proof of negative COVID-19 test result.If you pass the health declaration and entry inspection, no further requirements will be imposed. lf there are anomalies in your health declaration or you are showing symptoms such as fever, you are required to take an antigen test by China Customs.Those whose results are positive will need to self-quarantine or seek medical treatment as notified by the authority. Those whose results are negative will go through routine quarantine inspection by China Customs in accordance with the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law and other laws and regulations
VI. After-entry Epidemic Prevention and Control
After entry into China, you will have to strictly abide by the epidemic prevention and contro requirements of the place where you stay.
Requirements for Proof of COVID-19 Test
I.The proof must have the name of the traveler, which should be exactly the same as it appears on the travel document used for the flight. It is recommended that the date of birth and travel document number also be shown on the proof
II. The proof must also have:
Time of the test or time of issue(at least one of them should be within 48 hours before boarding);testing method (which should be nucleic acid testing; antigen testing will not be accepted); test result(which should be negative; 'uncertain’ will not be accepted); and name and contact details of the testing institution.
III.The proof must be in the official language of the place of departure of your flight to China, or in English. It will be checked by the airline of your flight to China.
IV.It should be a hard copy. lf the testing institution issued a digital copy, please print it out and take it with you.