In order to contain cross-border transmission of COVID-19, passengers are advised not to travel unless it is necessary and urgent. Requirements for those who really need to travel to China from Lesotho are as follows:
I. Test Requirements
(i) Passengers flying from Lesotho to China via connecting flights in other countries or regions must take nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests in Lesotho and then take both tests again in the transit countries or regions. Passengers must apply at the Chinese embassies/consulates in both countries for green health codes with the "HS" mark or a Green Health Declaration Code with the "HDC" mark with negative certificates of both tests.
(ii) The first tests must be taken in Lesotho. All Chinese and foreign passengers who are to travel from Lesotho to China will be required to take both nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests for COVID-19 at the testing facilities designated by the Chinese Embassy in Lesotho within 48 hours before departure and obtain the negative certificates of both tests.
The particulars of the the facilities are as follows: 1.Maseru Private Hospital. Add: Qoqolotsana Road, Thetsane, Maseru West..Tel:+266 2232 3491. 2. Pathcare. Add:No. 5C Happy Villa, Maseru. Tel: +266 57440014.
(iii) The second tests of both nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests for COVID-19 must be taken in the transit countries or regions. Without the Health Codes issued by the Chinese Embassy in Lesotho, the Chinese embassies/consulates in the transit countries will not issue Health Codes needed for boarding China-bound flights from the transit countries. Whether they fly or drive to the transit country, China-bound passengers from Lesotho can only transit once (via no more than one country). Requirements for China-bound passengers from South Africa on applying Health Codes can be found at the website of the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of South Africa.
II. Applying for Green Health Codes
(i) Chinese citizens should upload photos of their COVID-19 negative certificates of both nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests, air tickets, itineraries, passports, Lesotho residence permit and visa for entering the transit country to the WeChat mini program COVID-19 Prevention Health Code International Version ASAP after obtaining both above-mentioned test reports.
Chinese staff of Chinese enterprises or projects in Lesotho, are required to take 21 days of closed-loop isolation and personal health monitoring before leaving Lesotho, and in addition to the above-mentioned materials, submit a confirmation of such isolation issued by their employing enterprises.
Passengers upon approval by the Chinese Embassy will obtain Green Health Codes with an "HS" mark for a certain validity period. All passengers are required to travel within the validity period, and cooperate with airlines for health codes checking.
(ii) Foreign passengers should log in the application program by visiting or scan the code mark below with phone, and upload photos of negative certificates of both nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests, air tickets, itineraries, passports, Lesotho residence permit (for non-Lesotho citizens) and visa for entering the transit country to the program after obtaining both above-mentioned test reports.
Foreign Passengers upon approval by the Chinese Embassy will obtain a Green Code of Health Declaration Form with "HDC" mark for a certain validity period. All passengers are required to travel within the validity period, and cooperate with airlines for checking.
(iii) China-bound passengers who have a history of being infected,were injected with Covid-19 vaccines, have close contact history with the infected, or have suspected symptoms of COVID-19 must follow Article III, IV and V of this notice.
III. China-bound passengers who have a history of being infected, must send by email the diagnosis or reports after recovery by the local hospital with CT or X-ray reports of lungs included, negative certificates of two nucleic acid tests conducted with an interval of no less than 24 hours at the test facilities designated by the Chinese Embassy. For pregnant Women, Chest CT or X-ray is not a necessity. If the applicants work with a Chinese enterprise or project, contact person and phone number, the name of the enterprise or project should also be submitted. The email of the Embassy is
If approved, the Embassy will inform the applicants by email. The applicants shall take 14 days of self closed-loop isolation, personal health monitoring and have both nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests within 48 hours before leaving Lesotho.
When applying for the Health Codes, they should log in the application program to upload diagnosis or reports after recovery by the local hospital with CT or X-ray reports of lungs included, two negative certificates of nucleic acid tests conducted with an interval of no less than 24 hours, negative certificates of both nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests conducted within 48 hours before leaving Lesotho, along with duly signed Confirmation of Self Closed-loop Isolation, Personal Health Monitoring Form, air tickets, itineraries, passports, Lesotho residence permit (for non-Lesotho citizens) and visa for entering the transit country.
History of being infected can be determined by either the hospital diagnosis, or positive certificate of nucleic acid or IgM/IgG anti-body test. Positive certificate of IgM/IgG anti-body tests as a result of vaccination are not used to determine history of being infected. Whereas Positive certificate of anti-N protein IgM antibody test will be treated as having a history of being infected in the case of vaccination with non-inactivated vaccines.
IV. Fully-vaccinated Passengers need to upload photos of negative certificates of both nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests, air tickets, itineraries, passports, Lesotho residence permit (for non-Lesotho citizens) and visa for entering the transit country, together with Certificate of Vaccination and Letter of Commitment on COVID-19 Vaccination.
"Fully-Vaccinated Passengers" refers to those who have had all the required doses of the vaccine 14 days before departure. Otherwise, they will be treated as non-vaccinated Passengers and have to go through the required tests accordingly.
If infected passengers get vaccinated after recovery, 14 days after fully-vaccination before departure is required and they will be treated as passengers with a history of being infected and follow Article III.
V. Passengers who have history of close contact with confirmed or suspected cases or have suspected symptoms of COVID-19 should take 14 days of self closed-loop isolation, personal health monitoring, and take nucleic acid tests on the first, fourth, and seventh day. Only if all the three tests are negative, can they take both nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests 48 hours before leaving Lesotho and apply for health code.
After completing 14 days of self closed-loop isolation and personal health monitoring, they should send the above-mentioned Confirmation of Self Closed-loop Isolation, Personal Health Monitoring Form and the above-mentioned three nucleic acid test certificates to the Email address of the Embassy for preview. If approved by the Embassy, for applying for health code, they should upload negative certificates of both nucleic acid and IgM anti-body tests conducted 48 hours before departure or boarding the flight, along with duly signed Confirmation of Self Closed-loop Isolation, Personal Health Monitoring Form, three negative certificates of tests during the 14 days of isolation, air tickets, itineraries, passports Lesotho residence permit and visa for entering the transit country.
VI. This notice will come into effect on 10 September 2021. Other previous relevant notices on the website of the Embassy shall be repealed simultaneously.
The Embassy of the People's Republic of China
in the Kingdom of Lesotho
9 September 2021
Annex 1: Confirmation of Self Closed-loop Isolation
Confirmation of Self Closed-loop Isolation
I (Full name: , Passport number: ) hereby confirm that I have taken self closed-loop isolation for 14-days immediately after two nucleic acid tests conducted with an interval of no less than 24 hours, including no gathering or dining with others, frequent hand-washing, wearing mask, keeping safe distance from others, checking temperature regularly everyday, etc., so as to prevent infection after tests.
Date: ____/____/_____(Day/Month/Year)
Annex 2: Personal Health Monitoring Form download
Annex 3: Letter of Commitment on COVID-19 Vaccination
Letter of Commitment on COVID-19 Vaccination
出生日期Date of birth:_________年Year_____月Month_____日Date,
护照号Passport No.:______________,
I have received COVID-19 vaccination and the details are as follows:
① 疫苗品牌名称Vaccine brand name:________________
② 接种机构名称Name of vaccination institution:________________
③ 接种机构地址(国家,省/州,市,街道,门牌号)Address of vaccination institution (country, province/state, city, street, building number):________________________
④ 接种机构联系方式(电话,电子邮件)Contact information of vaccination institution (telephone, email):____________________________
⑤ 疫苗接种剂次及接种日期(请选择并填写)Doses and date of vaccination (please select one and fill in the blanks):
□一剂次One dose
接种日期Date of vaccination:_____年Year___月Month___日Date
□二剂次Two doses
Date of vaccination for first dose:____年Year___月Month___日Date
Date of vaccination for second dose:____年Year___月Month___日Date
I hereby declare that the attached vaccination certificate (vaccination card or other forms of certification) is true and accurate.
I hereby declare that the information provided above is true, and I shall bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom, including but not limited to restricted travel to China, punishment by law, or other consequences in the case of partial or false disclosures.