On November 20, H.E. Mr. Lei Kezhong, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Kingdom of Lesotho visited the Bernarda Pre-school, the implementation site of the China-aid Food Assistance Project with World Food Programme (WFP) in Mohale's Hoek. Ambassador Lei also met Mr. Adam, District Administrator of Mohale's Hoek. Ms. Maseithati Mabeleng, Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Forestry, Range and Soil Conservation, Ms. Mary Njoroge, Country Director of WFP in Lesotho, Mr. Ma Guoliang, Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy, senior officials from the relevant departments of Lesotho Government and local media reporters attended the event.
In his speech, Ambassador Lei introduced the Food Aid Projects that the Chinese Government has carried out in Lesotho in recent years. He said that the school feeding Project was implemented by the Chinese Government in cooperation with WFP and it provided food and nutrition assistance to more than 60,000 pre-school children in Lesotho. Ambassador Lei emphasized that China and Lesotho would continue to strengthen cooperation in the field of food security in the future, so as to support and help Lesotho to tackle the challenge of food shortage crisis and promote social and economic development.
Ms. Mary Njoroge said that the Food Aid Project was funded by the Chinese Government and executed by WFP. And that the Project has provided strong support for improving the health of Basotho children. She pointed out that the Chinese Government is one of the traditional partners supporting WFP to carry out food aid projects in Lesotho, and thanked China for its consistent and generous assistance.
Ms. Maseithati Mabeleng said that since the outbreak of the food insecurity crisis in Lesotho, the Chinese Government and people have provided a great lot of help to Lesotho. On behalf of the Government and people of Lesotho, she expressed sincere thanks for China's assistance and hoped that the two countries would continue to strengthen cooperation and further promote the friendly relations between China and Lesotho.
Mr. Adam, the District Administrator of Mohale's Hoek extended warm welcome to Ambassador Lei and briefly introduced the economic and social development of the district. He hoped that the district would further strengthen cooperation with Chinese Embassy. Ambassador Lei expressed his pleasure to visit Mohale's Hoek, and hoped to make further efforts to promote exchanges and cooperation with this region.